Evaporative cooling is a ducted cooling system that sits on top of your roof. It’s an effective way of cooling your home without needing air conditioning systems in every room. These coolers work by running air from outside through water soaked cooling pads.The cooling pads filter out the heat as well as any pollutants and allergens from outside before the air is sent into your home. From here, the cooled air is pumped through your home via ducts and vents in your walls or ceiling. This makes it easy to control the amount of cooling and the fan speed with a remote.
While these systems only provide cooling, a ducted evaporative cooling is a fantastic, cheaper alternative to typical air conditioning. These systems work well in drier areas, as a dry climate allows the system to cool the air more effectively. They’re also fantastic at completely replacing the air in your home with fresh, clean air. Opening your home’s windows and doors can help a lot with this, as the evaporative cooler pusher the dry air out of your home and replaces it with cool air. To find out if ducted evaporative cooling is right for you, talk to our team today!
At NKAir, our trained, licensed professionals are ready to help you install heating and cooling systems in your home. With years of experience, we’ve got the skills to create custom systems that fit your needs perfectly, helping you control the temperature of your home effectively. With cost effective solutions available for every home, we’ll help you find the best option to suit your requirements. We can install and maintain your home’s heating and cooling systems. Call us today on 042 681 0278 or send an email for a quote.